Document is valid ✅ ✅ ✅



  "date" : "2023-02-02",
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  "section" : [ {
    "title" : "Medications",
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      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <caption>Medications List</caption>\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Medication</th>\n                           <th>Timing</th>\n                           <th>Route</th>\n                           <th>Freq</th>\n                           <th>Dose</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Ceftriaxone 100 MG/ML</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>Injection</td>\n                           <td>Injectable, two times daily, 1 unit</td>\n                           <td>1 </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Tylenol 500mg</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>Oral</td>\n                           <td>PRN</td>\n                           <td>1 </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Aranesp 0.5 MG/ML</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>Injection</td>\n                           <td>Injectable, once a week, 1 unit</td>\n                           <td>1 </td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <caption>Administered Medications</caption>\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Medication</th>\n                           <th>Date</th>\n                           <th>Route</th>\n                           <th>Dose</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td colspan=\"4\">No records</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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    "title" : "Problems",
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      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <caption>Active Problems</caption>\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Problem</th>\n                           <th>Noted Date</th>\n                           <th>Diagnosed Date</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Essential hypertension</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Severe hypothyroidism</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Chronic rejection of renal transplant</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Fever (finding)</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <caption>Resolved Problems</caption>\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Problem</th>\n                           <th>Noted Date</th>\n                           <th>Diagnosed Date</th>\n                           <th>Resolved Date</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Overweight (finding)</td>\n                           <td>12/31/2006 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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    "title" : "Goals",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "a. Get rid of intermittent fever that is occurring every few weeks. \n\n    b. Need to gain more energy to do regular activities",
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    "title" : "Results",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "\n                  <list>\n                     <item>\n                        <caption>Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel, No performer ID, No Lab, No Lab Address</caption>\n                        <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                           <thead>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <th>Code</th>\n                                 <th>Value</th>\n                                 <th>Date</th>\n                              </tr>\n                           </thead>\n                           <tbody>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>Color of urine</td>\n                                 <td>YELLOW</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>Appearance of urine</td>\n                                 <td>CLEAR</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>Specific gravity of urine by test strip</td>\n                                 <td>1.015 1</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>pH of urine by test strip</td>\n                                 <td>5.0 [pH]</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>Glucose [Mass/volume] in urine by test strip</td>\n                                 <td>50 mg/dL</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>Ketones [Mass/Volume] in urine by test strip</td>\n                                 <td>Negative</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                              <tr>\n                                 <td>Protein [Mass/Volume] in urine by test strip</td>\n                                 <td>100 mg/dL</td>\n                                 <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                              </tr>\n                           </tbody>\n                        </table>\n                     </item>\n                  </list>\n               ",
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      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Element</th>\n                           <th>Date</th>\n                           <th>Value</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Tobacco smoking status NHIS</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>Current every day smoker</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Sex Assigned At Birth</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>Female</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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    "title" : "Vital Signs",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Vital sign</th>\n                           <th>Date</th>\n                           <th>Value and units</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Blood Pressure Systolic</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:08PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>145 mm[Hg]</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Blood Pressure Diastolic</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:08PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>88 mm[Hg]</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Heart Rate</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:10PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>80 /min</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Body Temperature</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:15PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>38 Cel</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Respiratory Rate</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:15PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>18 /min</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>O2 % BldC Oximetry</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:12PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>95 %</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Inhaled Oxygen Concentration</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:12PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>36 %</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Weight</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:05PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>88 kg</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Height</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 3:05PM UTC</td>\n                           <td>177 cm</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>BMI</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Head Occipital Circumference</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                           <td>~</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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    "title" : "Allergies and Intolerances",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Type</th>\n                           <th>Substance</th>\n                           <th>Onset</th>\n                           <th>Reactions</th>\n                           <th>Status</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>allergy</td>\n                           <td>Ampicillin</td>\n                           <td>10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>\n                              <paragraph>10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC - Hives - moderate</paragraph>\n                           </td>\n                           <td>active</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>N/A</td>\n                           <td>Penicillin G</td>\n                           <td>10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>\n                              <paragraph>10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC - Hives - moderate</paragraph>\n                           </td>\n                           <td>active</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Vaccine</th>\n                           <th>Date</th>\n                           <th>Status</th>\n                           <th>Lot</th>\n                           <th>Notes</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids</td>\n                           <td>01/04/2012 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>completed</td>\n                           <td>N/A</td>\n                           <td>N/A</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Influenza, intradermal, quadrivalent, preservative-free</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>not-done</td>\n                           <td>No Lot number provided</td>\n                           <td>Immunization was not given - Patient rejected immunization</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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    "title" : "Medical Equipment",
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      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>ID</th>\n                           <th>Assigning Auth</th>\n                           <th>Code</th>\n                           <th>Date</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>(01)00643169007222(17)160128(21)BLC200461H</td>\n                           <td>FDA</td>\n                           <td>Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker</td>\n                           <td>10/05/2011 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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      "div" : "\n                  <table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n                     <thead>\n                        <tr>\n                           <th>Procedures</th>\n                           <th>Date</th>\n                           <th>Status</th>\n                        </tr>\n                     </thead>\n                     <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Nebulizer Therapy</td>\n                           <td>06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>completed</td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                           <td>Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein</td>\n                           <td>10/05/2011 12:00AM UTC</td>\n                           <td>completed</td>\n                        </tr>\n                     </tbody>\n                  </table>\n               ",
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    "title" : "Hospital Course",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "Ms. Alice Newman is a 45 year old female with a history of Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Iron\ndeficiency and is a recipient of Renal Allograft visits Neighborhood Physicians Practice on 6/22/2015 at\n10am EST. The patient disclosed history of nausea, loose stools and weakness. After initial examination\nthe patient was found to have fever, she was administered necessary medications and after examining\nthe history of the patient and the lab results, the doctor suspected anemia. So the patient was referred\nto Community Health Hospitals an Inpatient facility to get appropriate treatment and was asked to\nwatch for appropriate changes in body temperature, blood pressure and take nebulizer treatment as\nneeded. ",
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    "title" : "Assesments",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "The patient was found to have fever and Dr Davis is suspecting Anemia\nbased on the patient history. So Dr Davis asked the patient to closely\nmonitor the temperature and blood pressure and get admitted to\nCommunity Health Hospitals if the fever does not subside within a day.",
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    "text" : {
      "div" : "\n                  <paragraph>\n                     <caption>Albert Davis - 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</caption>Dr Albert Davis examined Ms Alice Newman and found that the pacemaker is operating properly and the\nbreathlessness is due to high fever and anxiety.</paragraph>\n               ",
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  }, {
    "title" : "Progress Notes",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "\n                  <paragraph>\n                     <caption>Albert Davis - 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</caption>Ms Alice Newman seems to be developing high fever and hence we recommend her to get admitted to a\nnearby hospital using the provided referral.</paragraph>\n               ",
      "status" : "generated"
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      "reference" : "urn:uuid:082adcde-b455-4167-35e0-fc64c86a9cde"
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      } ]
  }, {
    "title" : "Plan of treatment",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "i. Get an EKG done on 6/23/2015. \n\n    ii. Get a Chest X-ray done on 6/23/2015 showing the Lower Respiratory Tract\n    Structure. \n\n    iii. Take Clindamycin 300mg three times a day as needed if pain does not subside \n\n    iv. Schedule follow on visit with Neighborhood Physicians Practice on  7/1/2015\n\n    v. Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel (24356-8) on 6/29/2015",
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      "reference" : "urn:uuid:149f084e-0632-8de9-3ffa-40b19c82c8b3"
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        "system" : ""
      } ]
  }, {
    "title" : "Health Concerns",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "a. Chronic Sickness exhibited by patient\nb. HealthCare Concerns refer to underlying clinical facts\ni. Documented HyperTension problem\nii. Documented HypoThyroidism problem\niii. Watch Weight of patient",
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      } ]
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    "title" : "Laboratory Notes",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "\n                  <paragraph>\n                     <caption>Albert Davis - 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC</caption>Ms Alice Newman was tested for the Urinanalysis macro panel and the results have been found to be\nnormal.</paragraph>\n               ",
      "status" : "generated"
    "entry" : [ {
      "reference" : "urn:uuid:e96b69c1-ccda-62ef-a69e-b494e0ca6db7"
    } ],
    "code" : {
      "text" : "Laboratory Report",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "11502-2",
        "display" : "Laboratory Report",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
  }, {
    "title" : "Discharge Instructions",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "No data for section Discharge Instructions",
      "status" : "generated"
    "code" : {
      "text" : "Discharge instructions",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "8653-8",
        "display" : "Discharge instructions",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
  }, {
    "title" : "Discharge Summary",
    "text" : {
      "div" : "No data for section Discharge Summary",
      "status" : "generated"
    "code" : {
      "text" : "Discharge Summary",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "18842-5",
        "display" : "Discharge Summary",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
  } ],
  "type" : {
    "text" : "Summarization of Episode Note",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "34133-9",
      "display" : "Summarization of Episode Note",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "resourceType" : "Composition",
  "title" : "Summarization of Episode Note",
  "author" : [ {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:eadba377-78d1-3140-a4bc-9b0f87867ef6"
  } ],
  "custodian" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:abe6dad0-cfe3-2865-3d04-d97a7fa4e18d"
  "status" : "final",
  "id" : "ee05e1da-df1b-7f7e-166c-e182e1d39f86",
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "address" : [ {
    "line" : [ "1357 Amber Dr" ],
    "use" : "home",
    "city" : "Beaverton",
    "state" : "OR",
    "postalCode" : "97006",
    "country" : "USA"
  } ],
  "name" : [ {
    "given" : [ "Alice", "Jones" ],
    "family" : "Newman",
    "use" : "official"
  }, {
    "given" : [ "Alicia" ],
    "family" : "Newman",
    "use" : "old"
  } ],
  "birthDate" : "1970-05-01",
  "resourceType" : "Patient",
  "extension" : [ {
    "extension" : [ {
      "valueCoding" : {
        "code" : "2106-3",
        "display" : "White",
        "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238"
      "url" : "ombCategory"
    }, {
      "valueCoding" : {
        "code" : "2108-9",
        "display" : "White European",
        "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238"
      "url" : "detailed"
    } ],
    "url" : ""
  }, {
    "value" : {
      "Coding" : {
        "code" : "2186-5",
        "display" : "Not Hispanic or Latino",
        "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238"
    "extension" : [ {
      "valueCoding" : {
        "code" : "2186-5",
        "display" : "Not Hispanic or Latino",
        "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238"
      "url" : "ombCategory"
    } ],
    "url" : ""
  } ],
  "communication" : [ {
    "language" : {
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "en",
        "display" : "en",
        "system" : "urn:oid:"
      } ]
    "preferred" : true
  } ],
  "id" : "patient",
  "telecom" : [ {
    "system" : "phone",
    "value" : "+1-(555)777-1234",
    "use" : "mobile"
  }, {
    "system" : "phone",
    "value" : "+1-(555)723-1544",
    "use" : "home"
  } ],
  "gender" : "female",
  "maritalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "UNK",
      "display" : "Unknown",
      "system" : ""
    } ]


  "practitioner" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:c9fd6361-151b-4bbf-ae45-802643f47070"
  "id" : "6fb4eef9-561e-4fbd-ea5e-1e8817ce5de4",
  "organization" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:abe6dad0-cfe3-2865-3d04-d97a7fa4e18d"
  "resourceType" : "PractitionerRole",
  "period" : {
    "start" : "2015-06-22"


  "period" : {
    "start" : "2015-06-20",
    "end" : "2015-06-25"
  "resourceType" : "Encounter",
  "status" : "finished",
  "class" : {
    "system" : "",
    "code" : "AMB",
    "display" : "AMB"
  "id" : "9fdca075-5b4a-c896-8856-8d87beebffeb",
  "participant" : [ {
    "individual" : {
      "reference" : "urn:uuid:eadba377-78d1-3140-a4bc-9b0f87867ef6"
  }, {
    "individual" : {
      "reference" : "urn:uuid:999fec79-8fbc-f8c7-a9d0-f3da469b7778"
  } ]

Medications (3 entries)

Medications List
Medication Timing Route Freq Dose
Ceftriaxone 100 MG/ML ~ Injection Injectable, two times daily, 1 unit 1
Tylenol 500mg ~ Oral PRN 1
Aranesp 0.5 MG/ML ~ Injection Injectable, once a week, 1 unit 1
Administered Medications
Medication Date Route Dose
No records


  "resourceType" : "MedicationStatement",
  "medicationCodeableConcept" : {
    "text" : "Ceftriaxone 100 MG/ML",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "309090",
      "display" : "Ceftriaxone 100 MG/ML",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "id" : "f13f5e41-ec9d-5117-4e7e-1c213967311d",
  "status" : "active",
  "dosage" : [ {
    "route" : {
      "text" : "Injection",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "C38276",
        "display" : "Injection",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
    "text" : "Injectable, two times daily, 1 unit",
    "doseAndRate" : [ {
      "doseQuantity" : {
        "value" : 1.0
    } ],
    "asNeededBoolean" : true
  } ],
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "resourceType" : "MedicationStatement",
  "medicationCodeableConcept" : {
    "text" : "Tylenol 500mg",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "209459",
      "display" : "Tylenol 500mg",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "id" : "38b9bc17-bcfc-3db1-8be6-5a30c11cc4b1",
  "status" : "active",
  "dosage" : [ {
    "route" : {
      "text" : "Oral",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "C38288",
        "display" : "Oral",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
    "text" : "Oral, as needed, 1 unit",
    "doseAndRate" : [ {
      "doseQuantity" : {
        "value" : 1.0
    } ],
    "asNeededBoolean" : true
  } ],
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "resourceType" : "MedicationStatement",
  "medicationCodeableConcept" : {
    "text" : "Aranesp 0.5 MG/ML",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "731241",
      "display" : "Aranesp 0.5 MG/ML",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "id" : "d8aa38f1-e9e4-07b6-a264-949552d94e9e",
  "status" : "active",
  "dosage" : [ {
    "route" : {
      "text" : "Injection",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "C38276",
        "display" : "Injection",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
    "text" : "Injectable, once a week, 1 unit",
    "doseAndRate" : [ {
      "doseQuantity" : {
        "value" : 1.0
    } ],
    "asNeededBoolean" : true
  } ],
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Problems (5 entries)

Active Problems
Problem Noted Date Diagnosed Date
Essential hypertension ~ ~
Severe hypothyroidism ~ ~
Chronic rejection of renal transplant ~ ~
Fever (finding) ~ ~
Resolved Problems
Problem Noted Date Diagnosed Date Resolved Date
Overweight (finding) 12/31/2006 12:00AM UTC ~ ~


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "system" : "",
      "code" : "problem-list-item",
      "display" : "Problem List Item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "active",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "Condition",
  "id" : "1c063b41-c058-b10c-746b-7d261e3d53ae",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Essential hypertension",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "59621000",
      "display" : "Essential hypertension",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "system" : "",
      "code" : "problem-list-item",
      "display" : "Problem List Item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "active",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "Condition",
  "id" : "9cb49672-ad78-e186-9484-8c2bb407d045",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Severe hypothyroidism",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "83986005",
      "display" : "Severe hypothyroidism",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "system" : "",
      "code" : "problem-list-item",
      "display" : "Problem List Item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "active",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "Condition",
  "id" : "a0b57f97-9c33-5ce1-485e-c9cc6289d114",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Chronic rejection of renal transplant",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "236578006",
      "display" : "Chronic rejection of renal transplant",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "system" : "",
      "code" : "problem-list-item",
      "display" : "Problem List Item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "active",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "Condition",
  "id" : "25be3422-8dea-a003-03a1-4c9253b084cb",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Fever (finding)",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "386661006",
      "display" : "Fever (finding)",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "onsetDateTime" : "2006-12-31",
  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "system" : "",
      "code" : "problem-list-item",
      "display" : "Problem List Item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "resolved",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "Condition",
  "id" : "7d019ef8-b5a8-eecc-825a-af1f627de542",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Overweight (finding)",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "238131007",
      "display" : "Overweight (finding)",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Goals (0 entries)

a. Get rid of intermittent fever that is occurring every few weeks. b. Need to gain more energy to do regular activities

Results (1 entries)

Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel, No performer ID, No Lab, No Lab Address
Code Value Date
Color of urine YELLOW 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC
Appearance of urine CLEAR 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC
Specific gravity of urine by test strip 1.015 1 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC
pH of urine by test strip 5.0 [pH] 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC
Glucose [Mass/volume] in urine by test strip 50 mg/dL 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC
Ketones [Mass/Volume] in urine by test strip Negative 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC
Protein [Mass/Volume] in urine by test strip 100 mg/dL 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC


  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "hasMember" : [ {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:1486a305-ba49-6aa7-311b-8b207d6f0579"
  }, {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:a6166fa5-5458-0cac-9673-6b6ea45601ad"
  }, {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:94f9830a-0011-141c-3333-d6a1df2fce49"
  }, {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:af274b05-e27a-40aa-72c9-208c9e3a71de"
  }, {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:3c30cf73-92ce-8755-de0e-2c110b2044f0"
  }, {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:a334086c-eb07-e6b4-e96d-86646c9128e0"
  }, {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:eef16f1d-d8c0-a08f-f961-67595938632d"
  } ],
  "id" : "1cf59783-94ad-f34c-1c14-ac398cdc26c0",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "24357-6",
      "display" : "Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "status" : "final",
  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "laboratory",
      "display" : "Laboratory",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Social History (2 entries)

Element Date Value
Tobacco smoking status NHIS 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC Current every day smoker
Sex Assigned At Birth ~ Female


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "social-history",
      "display" : "Social History",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "valueCodeableConcept" : {
    "text" : "Current every day smoker",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "449868002",
      "display" : "Current every day smoker",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "status" : "final",
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22",
  "id" : "fbaaacd0-78b5-fbc5-259c-b4caeb23f928",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Tobacco smoking status NHIS",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "72166-2",
      "display" : "Tobacco smoking status NHIS",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "social-history",
      "display" : "Social History",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "valueCodeableConcept" : {
    "text" : "Female",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "F",
      "display" : "Female",
      "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1"
    } ]
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "status" : "final",
  "id" : "9e1b5cec-aba1-4791-e4e3-3a802aa8d6c1",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Sex Assigned At Birth",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "76689-9",
      "display" : "Sex Assigned At Birth",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Vital Signs (9 entries)

Vital sign Date Value and units
Blood Pressure Systolic 06/22/2015 3:08PM UTC 145 mm[Hg]
Blood Pressure Diastolic 06/22/2015 3:08PM UTC 88 mm[Hg]
Heart Rate 06/22/2015 3:10PM UTC 80 /min
Body Temperature 06/22/2015 3:15PM UTC 38 Cel
Respiratory Rate 06/22/2015 3:15PM UTC 18 /min
O2 % BldC Oximetry 06/22/2015 3:12PM UTC 95 %
Inhaled Oxygen Concentration 06/22/2015 3:12PM UTC 36 %
Weight 06/22/2015 3:05PM UTC 88 kg
Height 06/22/2015 3:05PM UTC 177 cm
BMI ~ ~
Head Occipital Circumference ~ ~


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "vital-signs",
      "display" : "Vital Signs",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "valueQuantity" : {
    "value" : 88,
    "unit" : "kg"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "status" : "final",
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22T10:05:00-05:00",
  "id" : "92eff251-27f6-3afa-bc22-86bb719946a3",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Weight",
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      "code" : "29463-7",
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      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


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  "valueQuantity" : {
    "value" : 80,
    "unit" : "/min"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
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  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22T10:10:00-05:00",
  "id" : "69389369-1147-9a8e-768c-a404ce4159bd",
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    "text" : "Heart Rate",
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      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


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  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


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      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


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      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


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    "text" : "Height",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "8302-2",
      "display" : "Height",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "vital-signs",
      "display" : "Vital Signs",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "valueQuantity" : {
    "value" : 36,
    "unit" : "%"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "status" : "final",
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22T10:12:00-05:00",
  "id" : "63dc71be-9ec9-6d30-4336-1dc386eedfcf",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Inhaled Oxygen Concentration",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "3150-0",
      "display" : "Inhaled Oxygen Concentration",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "category" : [ {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "vital-signs",
      "display" : "Vital Signs",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "valueQuantity" : {
    "value" : 145,
    "unit" : "mm[Hg]"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "status" : "final",
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22T10:08:00-05:00",
  "id" : "9a4c7239-6053-d67f-5f25-e850ade9c3f0",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Blood Pressure Systolic",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "8480-6",
      "display" : "Blood Pressure Systolic",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Allergies and Intolerances (2 entries)

Type Substance Onset Reactions Status
allergy Ampicillin 10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC 10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC - Hives - moderate active
N/A Penicillin G 10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC 10/05/1980 12:00AM UTC - Hives - moderate active


  "patient" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "category" : [ {
    "fhir/value" : "food"
  } ],
  "criticality" : "high",
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "active",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "AllergyIntolerance",
  "extension" : [ {
    "valueCodeableConcept" : {
      "text" : "Allergy to substance (disorder)",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "419199007",
        "display" : "Allergy to substance (disorder)",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
    "url" : ""
  }, {
    "valueCodeableConcept" : {
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "CONC",
        "display" : "CONC",
        "system" : "HL7ActClass"
      } ]
    "url" : ""
  } ],
  "recordedDate" : "1980-10-05",
  "id" : "c1c7861d-9571-1d86-d474-cddb42168d90",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Ampicillin",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "733",
      "display" : "Ampicillin",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "onsetDateTime" : "1980-10-05",
  "reaction" : [ {
    "manifestation" : [ {
      "text" : "Hives",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "247472004",
        "display" : "Hives",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
    } ],
    "onset" : "1980-10-05",
    "severity" : "moderate"
  } ]


  "patient" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "criticality" : "unable-to-assess",
  "clinicalStatus" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "active",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "resourceType" : "AllergyIntolerance",
  "extension" : [ {
    "valueCodeableConcept" : {
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "CONC",
        "display" : "CONC",
        "system" : "HL7ActClass"
      } ]
    "url" : ""
  } ],
  "recordedDate" : "1980-10-05",
  "id" : "e087ce6d-9008-f9e3-1ac8-28a807369554",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Penicillin G",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "7980",
      "display" : "Penicillin G",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "onsetDateTime" : "1980-10-05",
  "reaction" : [ {
    "manifestation" : [ {
      "text" : "Hives",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "247472004",
        "display" : "Hives",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
    } ],
    "onset" : "1980-10-05",
    "severity" : "moderate"
  } ]

Encounters (0 entries)

Date Type Department CareTeam Description
No records

Functional Status (0 entries)

No data for section Functional Status

Immunizations (2 entries)

Vaccine Date Status Lot Notes
Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids 01/04/2012 12:00AM UTC completed N/A N/A
Influenza, intradermal, quadrivalent, preservative-free 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC not-done No Lot number provided Immunization was not given - Patient rejected immunization


  "patient" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "vaccineCode" : {
    "text" : "Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "106",
      "display" : "Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "resourceType" : "Immunization",
  "primarySource" : false,
  "status" : "completed",
  "id" : "3eda4363-c631-9793-c446-789a1c4583ec",
  "lotNumber" : "N/A",
  "occurrenceDateTime" : "2012-01-04"


  "patient" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [ "" ]
  "vaccineCode" : {
    "text" : "Influenza, intradermal, quadrivalent, preservative-free",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "166",
      "display" : "Influenza, intradermal, quadrivalent, preservative-free",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "statusReason" : {
    "text" : "patient objection",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "PATOBJ",
      "display" : "patient objection",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "resourceType" : "Immunization",
  "primarySource" : false,
  "status" : "not-done",
  "id" : "d4935478-43cf-be05-049b-cf4705aa2dbc",
  "lotNumber" : "No Lot number provided",
  "occurrenceDateTime" : "2015-06-22"

Medical Equipment (1 entries)

ID Assigning Auth Code Date
(01)00643169007222(17)160128(21)BLC200461H FDA Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker 10/05/2011 12:00AM UTC


  "focalDevice" : [ {
    "manipulated" : {
      "reference" : "urn:uuid:96367297-2eac-9b27-bf43-6b5071a1b82f"
    "action" : {
      "text" : "Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "704708004",
        "display" : "Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
  } ],
  "resourceType" : "Procedure",
  "extension" : [ {
    "valueCode" : "procedure",
    "url" : "rim-class"
  } ],
  "status" : "completed",
  "id" : "c44ac11b-e5d4-888c-6b0e-15ccbc0bd3f5",
  "performedDateTime" : "2011-10-05T00:00:00Z",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "175135009",
      "display" : "Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "bodySite" : [ {
    "text" : "Structure of subclavian vein",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "9454009",
      "display" : "Structure of subclavian vein",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Mental Status (0 entries)

No data for section Mental Status

Payers (0 entries)

No data for section Payers

Procedures (2 entries)

Procedures Date Status
Nebulizer Therapy 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTC completed
Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein 10/05/2011 12:00AM UTC completed


  "focalDevice" : [ {
    "manipulated" : {
      "reference" : "urn:uuid:96367297-2eac-9b27-bf43-6b5071a1b82f"
    "action" : {
      "text" : "Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker",
      "coding" : [ {
        "code" : "704708004",
        "display" : "Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker",
        "system" : ""
      } ]
  } ],
  "resourceType" : "Procedure",
  "extension" : [ {
    "valueCode" : "procedure",
    "url" : "rim-class"
  } ],
  "status" : "completed",
  "id" : "c44ac11b-e5d4-888c-6b0e-15ccbc0bd3f5",
  "performedDateTime" : "2011-10-05T00:00:00Z",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "175135009",
      "display" : "Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "bodySite" : [ {
    "text" : "Structure of subclavian vein",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "9454009",
      "display" : "Structure of subclavian vein",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"


  "performedDateTime" : "2015-06-22T00:00:00Z",
  "resourceType" : "Procedure",
  "extension" : [ {
    "valueCode" : "act",
    "url" : "rim-class"
  } ],
  "status" : "completed",
  "id" : "c5c3e76e-213c-e920-6e5e-9d0ddae53a1c",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Nebulizer Therapy",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "56251003",
      "display" : "Nebulizer Therapy",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Hospital Course (0 entries)

Ms. Alice Newman is a 45 year old female with a history of Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Iron deficiency and is a recipient of Renal Allograft visits Neighborhood Physicians Practice on 6/22/2015 at 10am EST. The patient disclosed history of nausea, loose stools and weakness. After initial examination the patient was found to have fever, she was administered necessary medications and after examining the history of the patient and the lab results, the doctor suspected anemia. So the patient was referred to Community Health Hospitals an Inpatient facility to get appropriate treatment and was asked to watch for appropriate changes in body temperature, blood pressure and take nebulizer treatment as needed.

Assesments (0 entries)

The patient was found to have fever and Dr Davis is suspecting Anemia based on the patient history. So Dr Davis asked the patient to closely monitor the temperature and blood pressure and get admitted to Community Health Hospitals if the fever does not subside within a day.

Procedures Notes (1 entries)

Albert Davis - 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTCDr Albert Davis examined Ms Alice Newman and found that the pacemaker is operating properly and the breathlessness is due to high fever and anxiety.


  "code" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "28570-0",
      "system" : "",
      "display" : "Procedures Note"
    } ]
  "note" : [ {
    "text" : "Dr Albert Davis examined Ms Alice Newman and found that the pacemaker is operating properly and the\nbreathlessness is due to high fever and anxiety."
  } ],
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22",
  "performer" : [ {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:eadba377-78d1-3140-a4bc-9b0f87867ef6"
  } ],
  "status" : "final",
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "id" : "a754e21c-4422-0bec-8871-a78989f82591"

History And Physical Notes (0 entries)

No data for section History And Physical Notes

Consultation Notes (0 entries)

No data for section Consultation Notes

Progress Notes (1 entries)

Albert Davis - 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTCMs Alice Newman seems to be developing high fever and hence we recommend her to get admitted to a nearby hospital using the provided referral.


  "code" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "11506-3",
      "system" : "",
      "display" : "Progress Note"
    } ]
  "note" : [ {
    "text" : "Ms Alice Newman seems to be developing high fever and hence we recommend her to get admitted to a\nnearby hospital using the provided referral."
  } ],
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22",
  "performer" : [ {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:eadba377-78d1-3140-a4bc-9b0f87867ef6"
  } ],
  "status" : "final",
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "id" : "ab0f4e4b-c509-ec22-fdf8-a30c307fd772"

Plan of treatment (1 entries)

i. Get an EKG done on 6/23/2015. ii. Get a Chest X-ray done on 6/23/2015 showing the Lower Respiratory Tract Structure. iii. Take Clindamycin 300mg three times a day as needed if pain does not subside iv. Schedule follow on visit with Neighborhood Physicians Practice on 7/1/2015 v. Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel (24356-8) on 6/29/2015


  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "status" : "registered",
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-29T00:00:00Z",
  "id" : "f3d50e78-42e2-f89b-a915-2d784c48b256",
  "code" : {
    "text" : "Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "24356-8",
      "display" : "Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel",
      "system" : ""
    } ]
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"

Health Concerns (0 entries)

a. Chronic Sickness exhibited by patient b. HealthCare Concerns refer to underlying clinical facts i. Documented HyperTension problem ii. Documented HypoThyroidism problem iii. Watch Weight of patient

Laboratory Notes (1 entries)

Albert Davis - 06/22/2015 12:00AM UTCMs Alice Newman was tested for the Urinanalysis macro panel and the results have been found to be normal.


  "code" : {
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "11502-2",
      "system" : "",
      "display" : "Laboratory Report"
    } ]
  "note" : [ {
    "text" : "Ms Alice Newman was tested for the Urinanalysis macro panel and the results have been found to be\nnormal."
  } ],
  "effectiveDateTime" : "2015-06-22",
  "performer" : [ {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:eadba377-78d1-3140-a4bc-9b0f87867ef6"
  } ],
  "status" : "final",
  "subject" : {
    "reference" : "urn:uuid:9f8231b9-aa93-0d4b-04a7-44e76a7a0a5b"
  "resourceType" : "Observation",
  "id" : "b8b05045-8f9d-e5ef-d94d-599d502e7d15"

Discharge Instructions (0 entries)

No data for section Discharge Instructions

Discharge Summary (0 entries)

No data for section Discharge Summary